Sunday, April 10, 2011


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Caleb. I live in the "wonderful" (hear the sarcasm?) state of Missouri. I'm considered too realistic and far too literal. I appreciate when others tell me this. They make me see myself more clearly (making me more realistic, ironically). Before I go on, maybe I should just come right out and say it. I may be starting this blog to hone my writing skills (gasp). I know most realistic, literal, and sometimes cynical people out there (such as myself) would hate a writer who doesn't quite know what he's doing. I appreciate this fact. It drives me to be better. Hopefully, all of the people who are like-minded to myself can look beyond the dangling participle that may float around every once in a while, and find the true relation I have to all of you. My life is composed of experiences, motivations, and opportunities that, through my observation, are hard to come by. My life is entirely and wholly unique, and very literal. I am proud of this. By reading this blog, I hope you can not only relate to me, but enjoy reading about the insane things I do and experience everyday, and perhaps even appreciate (gasp) a different and wholly individual perspective.

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